
Actions are the “mechanics” of any Griddly game.

A single action defines what happens between two objects (or sets of objects) in an environment.

The source of an action is the object which perfoms a particular action. The destination of an action is the object that is affected by the action.

Lets look at a few examples to make these ideas more concrete!

Step 1 - Movement

We are building the game “Sokoban” so we will first define that our avatar object which we defined before can move around in empty space. To do that we can define our “move” action as follows:

 # Define the move action
 - Name: move
   # The agent can move around freely in empty space and over holes
     - Src:
         Object: avatar
           - mov: _dest
         Object: _empty

We have named the above action “move” and defined a single behaviour. The behaviour object contains the Src key with the Object value avatar meaning that we are defing what happens if the avatar object performs the “move” action. We also define the Dst key with the Object value _empty. The _empty keyword is a special keyword that the behaviour only applies when the action is perfomed on a space that has no objects present.

Finally we have Commands object in the Src key. The Commands object contains a list of instructions that will happen to the Src object if this action is executed. The command we have here is mov: _dest which tells the environment to move the object to the destination of the action. The _dest keyword is another special keyword used in actions which contains the location of the destination of the action.

For more information about possible commands that can be run on either the Src or Dst objects go here

Step 2 - Pushing boxes

To define that we want box objects to move when the avatar object moves into them we can add the following code to our Behaviours list:

# Boxes can move into empty space
- Src:
    Object: box
        - mov: _dest
    Object: _empty

# The agent can push boxes
- Src:
    Object: avatar
        - mov: _dest
    Object: box
        - cascade: _dest

Here we are actually defining two behaviours. The first behaviour is similar to the one in the previous example. We define that the box object has the mechanic allowing it to move into empty space.

The second behaviour we define allows the avatar object to interact with the box object. The mov command tells avatar it can move in the same way it would just moving into empty space. The box object however now needs to be moved in the same direction as the avatar. This can be achieved by applying the same “move” action again, but on the destination object. cascade: _dest re-applies the same action on the destination object, which will move the box!


We have only allowed the box object to “move” into empty space. If the _dest location is not empty, i.e. it contains a wall object or a hole object, the command will not be executed. This will stop the previous action also, stopping the avatar from moving also.

Step 3 - Pushing a box into a hole

Now we can push boxes around in empty space, but we have no defined what will happen if we push the box into a hole object. We want to reward the player and also remove the box object.

# If a box is moved into a hole remove it
     - Src:
         Object: box
           - remove: true
           - reward: 1
         Object: hole

Most of this behaviour is hopefully self-explanatory by this point. There are two new commands introduced here reward: 1 which gives the player a reward of value 1 and remove: true which removes the Src object.

Putting It All Together

In order to put all these actions together, there is only one minor change to make to the first behaviour. We need to add hole to the Dst objects. This adds the ability for avatars to be able to walk on top of hole objects!

So the entire actions section of the game Sokoban looks like this:

# Define the move action
- Name: move
    # The agent can move around freely in empty space and over holes
    - Src:
        Object: avatar
          - mov: _dest
        Object: [_empty, hole]

    # Boxes can move into empty space
    - Src:
        Object: box
            - mov: _dest
        Object: _empty

    # The agent can push boxes
    - Src:
        Object: avatar
          - mov: _dest
        Object: box
          - cascade: _dest

    # If a box is moved into a hole remove it
    - Src:
        Object: box
          - remove: true
          - reward: 1
        Object: hole