Multi Agent

Griddly automatically wraps multi-agent games for compatibility with RLLib using the RLLibMultiAgentWrapper.

To register the multi-agent Griddly environment for usage with RLLib, the environment can be wrapped in the following way:

# Create the environment and wrap it in a multi-agent wrapper for self-play
register_env(environment_name, lambda config: RLlibMultiAgentWrapper(RLlibEnv(config)))

Handling agent done

If a multi-agent environment has the conditions in which agents in the environment can be removed, for example they are defeated and are not longer in the episode, a RLLib needs to know that this agent no longer can receive actions.

Griddly’s RLlibMultiAgentWrapper handles this by detecting a player_done_variable, defined per-player in the GDY. When this variable is set to 1 for a player, RLLib will consider this player has been removed.

Full Example

In this example we use a multi-agent version of the “GridMan” environment, but we train both “Gridman” and the agents that are chasing him!

Gridman has a 9x9 observation space and the chasers only have a 7x7 observation space, which gives them a disadvantage. However there are three of them!


The GridMan environment as seen from the “Global Observer” view.

See also

To use a different game, or specific level, just change the yaml_file or set a level parameter in the env_config. Other options can be found here

import os
import sys

import gym
from griddly.util.rllib.callbacks import VideoCallbacks
from griddly.util.rllib.environment.core import RLlibEnv, RLlibMultiAgentWrapper
from ray.air.callbacks.wandb import WandbLoggerCallback
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import PolicySpec
from ray.tune import register_env, tune

from rllib_multi_agent_example.gap_agent import GAPAgent
from rllib_multi_agent_example.simple_conv_agent import SimpleConvAgent

# You have to put this here so that rllib can find griddly libraries when it starts new workers
sep = os.pathsep
os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = sep.join(sys.path)

environment_name = "GridmanMultiAgent"
environment_yaml = "gridman/gridman_multiagent.yaml"
model_name = "SimpleConvAgent"

# Register the environment with RLlib
register_env(environment_name, lambda config: RLlibMultiAgentWrapper(RLlibEnv(config)))

model_class = None
if model_name == "SimpleConvAgent":
    model_class = SimpleConvAgent
elif model_name == "GlobalAveragePoolingAgent":
    model_class = GAPAgent

# Register the model with RLlib
ModelCatalog.register_custom_model(model_name, model_class)

test_dir = f"./results/{environment_name}"
video_dir = f"videos"

# multi-agent policies
policies = {
    # Use the PolicySpec namedtuple to specify an individual policy:
    "gridman_policy": PolicySpec(
        observation_space=gym.spaces.Box(0, 255, (9, 9, 11), float),
        config={"gamma": 0.95},
    "enemy_policy": PolicySpec(
        observation_space=gym.spaces.Box(0, 255, (7, 7, 11), float),
        config={"gamma": 0.95},

def policy_mapping_fn(agent_id, episode, worker, **kwargs):
    if agent_id == 1:
        return "gridman_policy"
        return "enemy_policy"

config = (
    .rollouts(num_rollout_workers=8, num_envs_per_worker=16, rollout_fragment_length=128)
    .multi_agent(policies=policies, policy_mapping_fn=policy_mapping_fn)
            "custom_model": model_name
            # A video every 50 iterations
            'record_video_config': {
                'fps': 20,
                'frequency': 1000,
                'directory': video_dir,

                # Will record a video of the global observations
                'include_global': True,

                # Will record a video of the agent's perspective
                'include_agents': False,
            'random_level_on_reset': True,
            'yaml_file': environment_yaml,
            'global_observer_type': "GlobalSpriteObserver",
            'player_observer_type': ["VectorGridMan", "VectorEnemy", "VectorEnemy", "VectorEnemy"],
            'max_steps': 2000,
        env=environment_name, clip_actions=True)
    .resources(num_gpus=int(os.environ.get("RLLIB_NUM_GPUS", "1")))

result =
    stop={"timesteps_total": 10000000},
        WandbLoggerCallback(project="RLLib Gridman MultiAgent", entity="griddlyai")

Github Repository

You can find a full working example here: